Hey There! I am a computer science engineer. I am a data enthusiast. I am a student. I am impact driven and customer obsessed.

As a data science masters student at UC Berkeley, I am enhancing my academic and professional skills to complement my 3 years of software engineering and big data experience. Before cooming to Berkeley, I worked as a software engineer with Microsoft for 3 years where I built key data analytical platforms that grow and optimize Microsoft Business Solutions.

Academic and Professional Interests

Software Engineering

Algorithms and Data Structures

Data Analytics Applications

Machine Learning







Azure Applications



Started Cooking at age of 12 and after ruining hundreds of dishes past these years, I am now able to share my favourite creations and a few ancestral recipes with you all.
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Skylines and sunsets hold a special place in my heart. I love to travel to uncommercialized beaches and mountains and spend time reading a book or just enjoy the sun and the water

Projects and Research

Predicting Spam Messages Using Back Propagation Neural Networks

Authors: A. Jain, S. Agarwal, D. Goel, Y. Singh, G. Bajaj


built in 2017 during a software development competition at NIT Kurukshetra

A platform to practice competitive coding trained according to your performance